Art Lizotte and Gabriella Bailado

Keysight donates oscilloscope in honor of ECEE student

Sept. 19, 2014

The Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering's Senior Capstone Lab now boasts one of the most advanced oscilloscopes on the market, and it's all thanks to senior Gabriella Bailado.

Chris Poulton

Student demonstrates first-of-its-kind photonics device

Sept. 15, 2014

Chris Poulton tried working in several labs before finding his calling designing silicon photonic devices in Professor Milos Popovic's Nanophotonic Systems Laboratory.

Jelena Notaros

Undergrad takes part in cutting-edge nanophotonics research

Sept. 14, 2014

Notaros is developing a novel type of numerical electromagnetic solver that will allow for advanced design of these photonic devices.

Juliet Gopinath

Grant will enable deep-brain imaging

Sept. 12, 2014

ECEE Assistant Professor Juliet Gopinath and her research team have received a $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a fiber-optic imaging instrument that will complete deep-brain imaging using a miniature nonlinear microscope.

Won Park

Beating bladder cancer, one nanoparticle at a time

April 15, 2014

Based on early-stage trials, Won Park's targeted nanotechnology-based approach to fighting cancer could be a breakthrough treatment.

Milos Popvic and his team in the lab

CU, MIT breakthrough in photonics could allow for faster and faster electronics

Sept. 30, 2013

The research team, led by ECEE Assistant Professor Milos Popovic, developed a new technique that allows microprocessors to use light, instead of electrical wires, to communicate with transistors on a single chip.

Shannon Hughes with hidden painting example

Signal processing research helps to reveal long-hidden paintings

April 1, 2013

As many as 20 paintings, or about 15 percent of those recently X-rayed at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, were found to have hidden paintings beneath them, according to ECEE Assistant Professor Shannon Hughes.

Dejan Filipovic and team in their antenna chamber

Antenna design spirals to new heights

April 15, 2012

Filipovic research group's spiral and other frequency independent antennas achieve previously unattainable performance.
